Wingyan Chung    Wingyan Chung, Ph.D.

Soules College of Business
The University of Texas at Tyler
Email: wchung (at) uttyler (dot) edu
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Honor | Education | Research | Publication (by Area) | Teaching | Grant | Service
Short Biography
Dr. Wingyan Chung is Professor of Computer Science in Soules College of Business at The University of Texas at Tyler. Dr. Chung is an information systems scholar and educator with expertise in business analytics, machine learning, social media analytics, cybersecurity, network science, data science, knowledge management, and human-computer interaction. Dr. Chung received his Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from The University of Arizona. He has over 120 refereed publications in Journal of Management Information Systems, Information & Management, ACM Transactions on MIS, Communications of the ACM, IEEE Computer, Scientific Reports, IJHCS, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, HICSS, and ICIS, among others. Recognitions include top ranking in BI and analytics, press coverage in ForwardFlorida and SIGCSE, and Senior Member awards from AAAI, ACM, and IEEE.

Honors and Awards Go up

Education Go up
  • Ph.D. in Management Info. Systems, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA (dissertation, committee: H. Chen (director), J. Nunamaker, L. Zhao, R. Snodgrass, T. Langendoen).
  • M.S. in Information and Technology Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, HK.
  • P.C. Ed. (Major: Business and Accounts), The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, HK.
  • BBA (Hon), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, HK.

Research Go up

Selected Publications (Total: 100+ pubs.) Go up

Selected Publications by Area  Go up

Teaching (sample student comments)  Go up
    Selected Quotes from Student Comments
  • "Professor Chung is probably one of the most well informed professors when it comes to information about databases."
  • "Professor Chung was an extremely dedicated professor and ... had a genuine desire to instill knowledge upon his pupils ... always tried to motivate students through various mediums."
  • "Dr. Chung is very enthusiastic about the subject matter in the course."
  • "Prof. Chung is the best professor here."
  • "Out of ALL my College of Business courses, this was the FIRST course that really challenged me."
  • "Dr. Chung is highly organized, know his subject inside and out, and is very likeable."
  • "Overall, I really enjoyed the Professor's teachings and I think that he is an Asset to the school and department."
  • "Your ability to convey complex concepts with clarity and passion has deeply enriched my learning experience."

    Selected Courses Taught
  • Compu. Intelligence and Machine Learning (MSCS/MDASC, HKU; student eval.) - Forbes 10 Best AI / DS courses (PDF)
  • Social Simulation and Informatics (PhD / graduate, full-semester course)
  • Cybersecurity Informatics (Graduate Course developed for the Intel Security Curriculum Program)
  • Data Mining Methodology I (Graduate Course in Statistics; invited guest lecture)
  • Natural Language Processing (Graduate Course in Computer Science; invited guest lecture)
  • Database Management Systems (UG / MBA / MSIS, a full-semester course)
  • Information Systems Theory and Practice (UG / MBA)
  • Managerial Decision Analysis (EMBA)
  • Predictive Analytics (UG)
  • Social Media Analytics (UG / MBA)
  • Data Analytics (Grad) (Student comment)
  • Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing (UG / MSIS / MBA) (Student comment)

Grant Activities Go up

Selected Services Go up

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