Directed Research: Social Simulation and Informatics
Course Information
- Code: IDS 6918 / 7919
- Name: Directed Research
- Topic: Social Simulation and Informatics
- Location: Partnership II, Room 330
- Time: Thursday 9:00-10:30 am, and by appointment
This course introduces the scientific research process, theories, techniques, studies, and tools related to the analysis and simulation of online social behavior. Students will acquire knowledge and skills in conducting research, studying online social phenomena, collecting and analyzing data, using specialized tools, and presenting research findings. Emphasis will be placed on building the knowledge base and relevant skills for conducting independent scientific research.
Course Objectives
Upon finishing the course, students should be able to
- Explain the concepts, process, and methods involved in social science research
- Develop scientific research studies that use informatics and simulation to examine social and behavioral phenomena
- Understand various metrics for examining social networks and for data analysis
- Complete a high-quality manuscript that is publishable at a peer-reviewed academic conference
- Course Pre-requisite: Graduate-level standing; Bachelor's degree in a relevant discipline; college-level math; interest in scientific research and social phenomena.
- Academic Integrity: Students must hold the highest academic integrity in all the work done in this course. All attempts of academic dishonesty, plagiarism, unethical behavior, and similar issues are prohibited. Students who commit these issues will be punished by the respective university units or legal authorities.
- Assignment Submission: Unless otherwise stated, assignments are to be submitted as a file attachment to an email sent to the instructor before the start time of the class on the due date (due at noon if no class is held on that date). In addition, a paper version must be submitted to the instructor on the due date (at the beginning of class, or noon time if no class is held).
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